service business owners & entrepreneurs

get amazing, super-fast results

and you pay nothing out of pocket ever!

your success is our business

By partnering with us, together we will

  • Create demand for your services in a way that feels authentic and comfortable to you
  • Properly qualify your sales leads so you don’t waste your time and energy barking up the wrong tree
  • Work only with those who truly value you and your services and who are willing to pay you what you deserve
  • Eliminate unprofitable clients and time-wasting tyre kickers from your business
  • Transform your satisfied customers into a nonstop referral generating machine
  • Outsource routine jobs and gain the freedom to do the things you enjoy most
  • Grow your business without sacrificing your lifestyle


our specialities

What We Do

We support people who are just starting out and looking to establish credibility and generate cash flow fast, and those who’ve been in business a while and are wanting to accelerate growth and attract better quality clients.

Business development

Seeking opportunities for growth and building strategic partnerships.

market positioning

Sharpen your competitive advantage, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and use your uniqueness to your greatest benefit.


lead generation & appointment setting

Define and fully understand the group of customers for whom you are best positioned to achieve maximum results and gain introductions to decision makers and major influencers.


We’ll help you get some sales on board and guide you hands-on how to develop rapport quickly, easily, and get the job done with our proven solution based selling techniques.

referrals & testimonials

Generate repeat business and a steady flow of new ideal customers through influential referrals and powerful testimonials.


You’re Ready For This High Level Of One-On-One Support If:

  • You already have an existing service based business. You don’t need to be well established or have a lot of customers but you should possess the skills and expertise necessary in your line of work.
  • You are a go-getter and you believe in yourself and your ideas. You have an insatiable desire to succeed and you’ll never be satisfied until you’ve accomplished your goal. You are committed, pumped and totally ready for this kind of expertise and support.
  • You must be interested in and able to genuinely help people. Whatever service business you’re in, the strategies and systems we’ll be helping you implement will all focus around you providing more and more real value to your market and building a strong, help-based business. It doesn’t matter how great the campaigns or strategies we share with you are … if you can’t actually help people get results, if you don’t believe in providing exemplary customer service, it will be impossible to build a sustainable business.
  • You must be willing and able to invest in your business. Our goal is to get you the fastest, most significant results possible. This will require investing up front on our monthly retainer fee and maybe also on things like paid advertising and even an important tool or two to help with your business. We will help you increase your profits by far more than our monthly fee right away … but the point is that it often takes money to make money.


sound like you?

Here’s What We Want You To Do Next:

Click on the link below to apply for a free strategy session.

Our strategy session will probably last between 45 and 60 minutes, and this is where we’ll really dig in and begin working to figure out exactly how to get your business to where you’d like it to be.

We’ll look together at what it is you’re wanting to achieve with your business, where things are at currently in relation to those goals, what you’re liking about your current business, and what you’re frustrated with.

Next, armed with that information we’ll help you create a customised plan of action that will immediately and dramatically increase your profits while helping you do more of what you love and less of what you don’t.

If at the end of our call you see the value in becoming one of our private clients, we’ll accept your first payment to get you enrolled straightaway. We’ll schedule a date to officially get started so Teresa and her team can help to get you the fastest most significant results possible.

If at the end of our call you decide you don’t want to become a client – that’s OK too. We’ll wish you luck and that will be that.


At Teaser Marketing we thrive in making, building and participating in clear win-win situations, and we are willing to negotiate commission based agreements where you pay us from your profit, not out of your pocket.

Due to the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide our clients with maximum results, we have to limit how many people we can work with at a time. A few spaces become available every month, and there is usually a waiting list.

However, if you are a highly committed individual and you would like to speak with us about kicking your business into a much higher gear right away, then we will be happy to set aside some time to speak with you.

don’t let another mediocre month go by!

 Take Control of your Revenue Growth!